Build Productive Relationships: Build Your Book of Business
When speaking with one of my attorney clients recently we determined the secret to building productive relationships with potential clients included 5 steps:
1. Reach out - ask around, ask questions of people you meet, build great referral partners to build your book of business.
2. Network - I often hear young associates tell me "I didn't go to law school to sell' - my response is 'too bad!'. If you are serious about being on partner track you will bring new clients to the firm and the best way to do this is through networking. Get out there and build relationships.
3. Serve - get involved, jump on a committee, serve as an expert for the media, offer to speak on a panel, get out there, get voluntering and help others first before you ask them to help you.
4. Follow up - did you know that less than 1% of people follow up. Be part of that 1%! Make time to call a potential client, reconect with someone you met at a networking event, send a book or article to someone you are building a relationship with, be unique - do something different.
5. Persist - even though your relationships may not potentially need your services now... when they do you want to be top of mind. As an attorney it is even more important to be persistant and stay in touch with potential clients, you want them to call you first and not another firm.
If you truly want to accelerate your career in the firm, bring in new clients, build strong relationships and increase your productivity, apply these 5 steps today.
1. Reach out - ask around, ask questions of people you meet, build great referral partners to build your book of business.
2. Network - I often hear young associates tell me "I didn't go to law school to sell' - my response is 'too bad!'. If you are serious about being on partner track you will bring new clients to the firm and the best way to do this is through networking. Get out there and build relationships.
3. Serve - get involved, jump on a committee, serve as an expert for the media, offer to speak on a panel, get out there, get voluntering and help others first before you ask them to help you.
4. Follow up - did you know that less than 1% of people follow up. Be part of that 1%! Make time to call a potential client, reconect with someone you met at a networking event, send a book or article to someone you are building a relationship with, be unique - do something different.
5. Persist - even though your relationships may not potentially need your services now... when they do you want to be top of mind. As an attorney it is even more important to be persistant and stay in touch with potential clients, you want them to call you first and not another firm.
If you truly want to accelerate your career in the firm, bring in new clients, build strong relationships and increase your productivity, apply these 5 steps today.
Labels: attorney; productivity; time management, lawyers, practice development